Ethos 400 Stove

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Complete with optional Log Store, the Ethos 400 Stove is both beautiful and functional.  Combining the hallmarks of Ethos design, engineering excellence and a dedication to providing the very best. Quite simply Ethos 400 won’t disappoint.

With an efficiency rating of 81%, available as a free standing option and with a choice of interiors this natural gas stove ticks all the boxes. With stunning good looks guaranteed Ethos 400 sits comfortably in a fireplace or freestanding setting. It comes complete with full sequential remote control so you can sit back and enjoy. Ethos 400 is suitable for Flue Type Class 1 or Class 2 and will fit into a 5 inch Twinwall or 7 inch Copex. 

Technical Specification:

  • 5.5 kw input gross
  • 4.0 kw output
  • 81.0% efficiency nett – Class 1


Ethos 400 Stove Installation & User Instructions

Ethos 400 Dimension Sheet

Ethos 400 Energy Label

Legend Brochure

Running Cost Calculator

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